Posts Tagged 'Skin Peels'

From soothing your skin to smoothing your skin – our London skin expert does it all!

Beautiful black woman smiling - London skin expert from Elan Medical Skin Clinics can smooth and soothe your skin

London skin expert from Elan Medical Skin Clinics can smooth and soothe your skin

In our last blog we talked about soothing lumps, bumps, rashes and itchy skin, this time it’s all about smoothing and rejuvenating our skin.

As well as having more than 30 years’ experience in dermatology, Elan Medical Skin Clinic director, Sue Ibrahim, has spent many years honing her cosmetic dermatology services. This means she can offer exceptional quality treatments including skin fillers, wrinkle relaxing injections, skin peels and plasma soft surgery.

Wrinkle reducing injections

Done properly, no-one should be able to tell you’ve had wrinkle reduction. By choosing the right practitioner to achieve your aim, you can rest assured that your appearance will be improved yet remain completely natural.

Wrinkle-relaxing injections are one of the most popular cosmetic medical treatments for facial lines and wrinkles in the UK. Our award-winning nurse consultant, Sue Ibrahim, has more than 15 years’ experience in advanced wrinkle reduction procedures.

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Sugar isn’t just bad for your waistline warns London skin expert

As if it wasn’t looking bad enough for sugar, our London skin expert Sue Ibrahim from Elan Medical Skin Clinics is warning clients about the effects it can have on our skin.

From acne to ageing, wrinkles to blemishes, sugar has a lot to answer for. Sugar and high GI (glycemic index) foods lead to a spike in insulin levels and this causes inflammation throughout our bodies. Sugar also binds to collagen making the skin stiff. The technical term for this is a process called glycation. It’s simple really: less sugar equals better skin – and the results can very often be seen in just a week.

Insulin spikes are linked to acne breakouts and can cause the skin to appear red and inflamed. This is because inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles.

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Skin pigmentation treatment in London


The colour of your skin is determined by how much melanin you produce. When you over or under produce melanin in some areas of your body or face, you experience pigmentation problems, which means your skin isn’t one tone all over.

Pigmentation conditions, which cause patches of discolouration on your skin occur for a number of different reasons. You might suffer from genetic pigmentation problems, over exposure to the sun is a major cause of age and sun spots and anything that is causing hormonal changes in your body, such as pregnancy or the menopause, are also to blame.

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