Dermal fillers – be careful who you trust!

Dermal fillers – trust skin expert Sue Ibrahim at Elan Medical Skin Clinics in central London and Essex
You wouldn’t let a builder near your teeth or a plumber perform laser eye surgery, so why would anyone let someone unqualified and inexperienced near their face with a needle for dermal fillers?
In the UK anyone can perform dermal fillers. Yes, anyone. It makes you shudder doesn’t it? The skin expert at Elan Medical Skin Clinics in Rayleigh and central London knows only too well the after effects of letting unqualified beauticians carry out delicate dermal fillers. Sue Ibrahim is often called on to carry out filler reversal treatments and Botox re-treatments due to botched attempts.
Price should never be the determining factor for dermal fillers – experience and qualifications should. This is your face we are talking about: the thing that everyone looks at when they see you in person.