Cosmetic Treatments in Essex Facebook Group
Facebook Groups are fast becoming the way to share your stories and experiences and recommendations. At Elan Medical Skin Clinic in Rayleigh, Essex we have a thriving Facebook Page, with followers all over Essex. We receive so many private messages looking for advice, we have decided to set up our own Facebook Group called ‘Cosmetic Treatments in Essex’. However, you do not need to live in Essex to join this group.
Have you ever had Botox? Who treated you? Would you recommend them?
Do lip fillers hurt? How to choose the best filler?
Do you think I need cosmetic surgery?

Facebook chat group discussing cosmetic treatments.
The group is moderated by our team of skin experts at Elan Medical Skin Clinic, but it is your group. We are just there to ensure all posts are genuine and not offensive. We do not allow advertising in our group but you can certainly tell people where not to go for a cosmetic treatment if you feel that you were treated badly or if you feel that you had wasted your money.
Cosmetic treatments can be expensive, they can also be extremely cheap. We believe that you shouldn’t merely choose a cosmetic practitioner based on price. Choose a cosmetic clinic based on the experience of others, check out reviews and don’t forget to ask the right questions?
Is this practitioner a Cosmetic Doctor, a Surgeon or a Nurse?
Is this a registered medical clinic? If so, who is the clinic registered with?
Will I be offered a free follow-up appointment?
And most of all, does has this practitioner demonstrated that they are competent to carry out the procedure I am about to have? If something doesn’t feel right then do not go ahead with treatment on the same day as your consultation. Do more homework.