Covid-19 Pandemic Update

Welcoming you back to Elan Medical Skin Clinic
Thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in Elan Medical Skin Clinic in Rayleigh Essex during these uncertain times. We hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy and calm, and, if you are self-isolating, that you are coping as well as can be expected.
Our commitment and responsibility towards you has never been stronger as we face the Covid-19 pandemic. We are continuously monitoring the ever-changing guidelines and circumstances surrounding the coronavirus and we are going above and beyond to keep you and our team safe and healthy.
“As you know, I am a qualified nurse consultant in dermatology, so cleaning protocols are reinforced repeatedly on a daily basis to keep our clinic clean but this is nothing new for us, we adhere to the best practice guidelines at all times. All our team members are trained in regular hand washing and undertake this as routine,” said Sue Ibrahim, our clinical director.
Things we are doing to keep you safe
- We are currently conducting as many Consultations and follow-up appointments via a secure video link. This helps to reduce the footfall through the clinic.
- We are operating a remote reception desk from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 8pm and we are asking patients and clients to book appointments via the telephone rather than just turning up to clinic.
- Elan Medical DermaActive products can be purchased via our online store www.elan-derma-actives and we are currently offering FREE DELIVERY on all purchases.
- We are leaving at least a 15 minute gap between appointments to reduce the close contact between clients in our waiting room
- We are disinfecting any communal areas between clients, including cleaning door handles etc more regularly
- At present none of our team has reported any symptoms. If that changes we will follow the isolation guidelines as set out by the Department of Health.
If you do have an appointment at Elan Medical Skin Clinic, please help us by
- Attending your appointment on time. If you are early, you may be asked to wait outside. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to re-book. This will incur the loss of any pre-paid deposit.
- Completing a Wellness Assessment Form on the day of your appointment. This will be emailed to you on booking your appointment. If you arrive for your appointment without this form, you will be asked to complete the form before entering the clinic.
- You will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth on entering the clinic
- You will also need to disinfect your hands on entering the clinic.
- Do not bring anyone with you to your appointment unless this has been agreed beforehand.
- We kindly request that you refrain from touching any surfaces as much as possible.
- You will need to maintain a 2-meter distance between any other members of the public in the waiting area.
Please be assured that our team will continue to provide you with the highest level of service in a safe and clean environment during your time with us. Please call us on 01268 770 660 if you would like any advice and we will do all we can to help.
And keep checking our Facebook page for updates.
Please look after yourselves,