Reviews of Elan Medical Skin Clinic
How well do you trust reviews placed on websites? You are probably right in assuming that most medical and cosmetic clinics will advertise their more favourable reviews; claiming that they are the ‘Best Clinic in Essex’ and all you have to do is take a look at their glowing patient reviews. There is no doubt that reading client reviews are encouraged, but how reliable are they? Certainly we prefer recommendations from reliable friends but sometimes we need to find a skin clinic quickly; we don’t have the time to ask around. We can take a look at review sites but most of these sites will rank clinics by how much that clinic is prepared to pay to be at the top of the list.

Reliable friends will tell you truth about their experience
Online review sites
When Elan Medical Skin Clinic opened its doors eighteen years ago there was no such thing as online review sites. When What started, we were automatically listed as a medical clinic based in Essex. Gradually we started to receive review of our clinic and all them were published. While the vast majority of those published showed that our patients were satisfied with the service they received, we did receive some reviews that suggested improvements in the way we handled our clients. This constructive criticism helped us to create a more client centred approach to the way worked and we still welcome constructive criticism today.
Facebook reviews
With the rise of social media and Elan Medical Skin Clinic’s own Facebook page, we soon learnt the hard way how damaging a one star review could be. While our happy clients were more than happy to give us 5 stars we were unfortunate to be targeted by Facebook Trolls; these are people that go around leaving one star reviews having never even visited the clinic! These reviews were so frustrating mainly because there is not a lot of things you can do about it. The popular and well know you are, the more likely you are to be targeted by the Facebook Troll.
Trusted reviews
So how do you really get an honest review on how a skin clinic is performing? Well, if the clinic is registered and inspected by a government body as part of the inspection process the inspectors contact random patients and ask for feedback. The Care Quality Commission insist that all patients have the opportunity to provide their feedback to the clinic and if their complaint is a serious one, you can report it directly to them. Treatments You Can Trust are also an organisation that hold a register of inspected cosmetic clinic. They also have a disputes management service, when communications between clinic and client break down. Fortunately we have never had any issues that have required intervention by either The Care Quality Commission or Treatments You Can Trust.
How does Elan Medical Clinic collect treatment reviews?
When a patient or client visits Elan Medical Skin Clinic they automatically receive an email asking for their feedback. This feedback can be given anonymously or not. We receive that feedback immediately and any comments they are are immediately published on our website. If you don’t believe us, take a look at what our patients and clients are currently saying about us now! Just Click Here.
Click here for our latest report published by The Care Quality Commission
Click here for our our entry on Treatments You Can Trust Register