Suffering from insect bites? Essex skin expert offers advice

Bitten by an insect? Sue Ibrahim from Elan Medical Skin Clinic in Rayleigh, Essex explains what you should do.
There’s no denying that this summer has been glorious so far, says Sue Ibrahim at Elan Medical Skin Clinic in Rayleigh, Essex. But the sunshine has led to more people than usual being bitten by insects and it seems that the horsefly population has exploded.
According to the BBC, calls to the NHS helpline 111 about insect bites are almost double the rate they normally are at this time of year and senior doctors are reporting incidents of patients being treated in hospital for infected horsefly bites.
One explanation for the rise in the number of horseflies is standing water, such as garden paddling pools, where they and other insects thrive. The advice is to drain paddling pools after use.