Anal Skin Tag Removal in Essex
Anal Skin Tag removal does not have to be a pain in the bum!
Anal skin tags very often appear as a result of piles or haemorrhoids, where the skin has stretched and not quite shrunk back again, leaving a fleshy flap of skin. They are quite common after childbirth.
Patients are often embarrassed by them and find that wiping and feeling clean is difficult. However, help is at hand……

Anal skin tags can be an embarrassing problem.
If you are considering the removal of the anal skin tag and have been let down by your GP and NHS as they don’t offer this service as they consider it cosmetic then don’t worry.
Elan Medical Skin Clinic specialises in removing skin tags from around the anus in a simple gentle procedure that takes less than 30 minutes.
We often find most patients are delighted once they have undergone treatment and often surprised how quick and easy the procedure is and how fast they heal.
Anal Skin Tag Consultations
We charge £150 for the initial consultation in clinic. Same day procedures are only undertaken where the procedure is deemed appropriate to do so AND the patient understands the full extent of the costs, risks and potential side effects and is consenting to proceed on that knowledge
Anal Skin Tag Surgery
Anus skin tag removal is also known as sentinel skin tag removal is usually carried out as a surgical procedure.
This is a minor procedure and is carried out using a local anaesthetic. Anus skin tag surgery is a relatively simple procedure using radiowave surgery to carefully and thoroughly remove the skin tag. It is key to ensure a neat wound which will heal quickly and leave minimal scarring, as anal skin tags are often the result of trauma caused by haemorrhoids or childbirth.
It can sometimes be carried out at the same appointment as the initial consultation, depending on the size and complexity of the skin tag. This saves the need to book another appointment.

Our friendly staff are here to make you feel comfortable
Some wounds might have a small temporary dressing while others may be left open. We will explain exactly what to expect at your consultation so that you have all the facts in advance of any procedure.
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